Novels, NaNoWriMo, and Me


NaNoWriMo_3 (Photo credit: nataliesap)

Having taken a short break from my blog, it is now time for an update.  I am currently participating in NaNoWriMo, which stands for National Novel Writing Month.  As part of this program, I have made a commitment to write 50,000 words during the month of November. Only three days into it and I am over 5,000 words.  Woo hoo!

I am simultaneously working on the sequel to Never Coming Back, which will be titled Never Forget, as well as the third book in the series, tentatively titled Never Give Up.  Additionally, I am writing short stories that will be offered exclusively through my new Members Only Writing Subscription.

Members Only Writing Subscriptions include a monthly newsletter, keeping subscribers up to date on the latest status of my writing, as well as my reviews of work from other authors of note. Additionally, members receive access to the new short stories, sequential scenes from Never Forget, and random scenes from Never Give Up.  Each piece will come with an Introduction, so readers will always know what type of writing they have received. Maintaining subscriptions for 12 months, or signing up for an annual subscription, entitles members to receive an autographed copy of Never Forget or Never Give Up once published.  Or the member can choose to receive a coupon for a free download of the book to a Kindle

If you are interested in signing up for a subscription, you can find all the details on the subscription page of my website, Jansen Books.

Other membership levels range from Introductory Membership (newsletter only) to Gold Membership (which includes having a character named after you!)

Thank you so much for being a loyal reader, and I hope you seriously consider signing up for one of my new subscription plans!  

The Helping American Spirit

Brotherly Love (1995 TV series)

Brotherly Love (1995 TV series) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” – Fred Rogers.

I wish that I had blogged earlier this week, as I now have two completely different topics I would like to explore. The first is the feeling of brotherly love I have felt in the past week. On Monday, I was moved to tears over the helpers I saw in Boston. So many people were helping each other, from people running toward the bomb sites, to nurses running or biking to work to help the injured as they were brought to the hospitals. On Wednesday, I was again moved to tears by the helpers in West, Texas. The West explosion site photos are as horrifying as the Boston explosion site photos and videos. On Thursday, I spent the day viewing some of our earliest historic sites as a nation, in the Old City section of Philadelphia. While there, I lost my wallet. After a very brief panic, I accepted that there was nothing I could do but report it and cancel my credit cards. The police officer I stopped, on his bicycle, was very supportive and helpful, as were the security personnel at the Bourse, the mall where I knew I last had it. I then went back to the parking garage to give them my information so they could bill me for my parking (and let me out of the garage). This is when I received a Facebook message (which was SOOO cool!) and a phone call from the Philadelphia police. Someone had turned in my wallet. Now, I refuse to say that I was surprised, because I wasn’t. I wasn’t even surprised that not a single cent of the $123 was taken. I have a faith and trust in other people, that most would act the same way I would. Yes, I know I might have been lucky that day, but I firmly believe the odds were with me. The actions of the people in Boston and West reinforce my beliefs in the goodness of mankind.

Which brings me to my second topic, and which is a bit more disturbing to me. Yesterday, and especially last night, I watched in horror as the suspect in the Marathon Bombing was chased around my home state. I am grateful to the National Guard, and the Boston Police and Firefighters, and the EMTs, and the doctors and nurses, and all who helped in the bombing and the capture of the suspect. Yet, somehow, the whole thing does not sit right with me. I am so glad it is over, but it isn’t really. I don’t know exactly what bothers me, but it sits right below the surface. Maybe it is that these boys were tried in the court of public opinion and fear. Somehow it felt like a witch hunt to me. I know all the evidence seems to point to them, and they certainly acted like the guilty ones, but something bothers me about all the partying after he was caught. I, too, am happy he was caught. I, too, rejoice that we are all safe again. But we don’t know the whole story. How much influence did his brother have over him? Were there others involved? Was he coerced into doing what he did? I guess I just can’t wrap my brain around the idea that a 9-year-old can come to this country, in search of a new life with his brother and his parents and other family members, and grow up here like a normal American teen, and then turn into a terrorist and try to kill and hurt so many people. Then, he went back about his life like nothing had happened. He went back to his college and his friends like a normal 19-year-old. All of it just dumbfounds me. He dumbfounds me. But that is okay, because I will never understand the logic in the mind of a killer. But there is something else that dumbfounds me even more, especially in light of all the helping I witnessed this week. I guess the partying really hits me hard, because I imagine how it must feel to this terrified boy to hear hundreds, thousands, of people cheering that he was hunted like an animal, nearly killed, and now has to somehow receive a fair trial.  Just something to consider…

Sara S. Jansen Book Signings

Never Coming Back Book Signing

Never Coming Back, a lesbian suspense/romance that takes place in Northampton, MA and the surrounding area, is now available in four editions (Kindle and Print versions of Never Coming Back and Never Coming Back: Special Erotic Edition).  In honor of the primary location in the book, I will be making my first appearances for book signings in Northampton, MA at the night club, Diva’s.  The first is this Sunday, April 14, for the T-Dance from 3:00-7:00.  I will also be at Diva’s for the After Pride Party on Saturday, May 4 from 5:00-8:30.  I will be selling the books for $10 each (tax included) and signing every one!

You might also see me walking around, or checking out the Pride and Joy booth, at the 32nd Annual Northampton LGBT Parade and Pride Event on Saturday, May 4. This year’s event will take place at the 3-County Fairgrounds. This year’s theme is “Our Journey is Not Complete.” Admission and parking are free.  This year’s lineup includes some awesome speakers, bands, and drag queens and kings, and will be ASL interpreted. They also provide a sectioned off Kids Area away from the stage area.

Then, after you are done at the parade/rally (rally ends at 5:00), join me at Diva’s for my book signing!  Hope to see you there!

Related articles

Boston city hall

Boston city hall (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

DOMA Justice Rally

I will be attending the Historic DOMA Justice Rally in Boston, MA and hope all my friends and supporters will join me, in Boston or at your local capital!  Here’s the details for Boston:

Government Center, Boston City Hall Flag Pole
3pm March 26th
Starting on the 26th, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider two cases about the freedom to marry. These two cases – which concern the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California’s Proposition 8 – are fundamentally about whether gay and lesbian Americans can enjoy the same freedoms and opportunities as everyone else.
Here’s the Facebook Page for the MassEquality Boston Rally:

Obama’s Promise of Freedom and Equality

As I wipe the tears from my eyes, I can only say that today’s Presidential Inaugural Address was inspiring and made me proud. This is the first time I have heard a President show such a firm commitment to bring the country forward, united as a group for the common welfare. “We the People” can do it together, focused on the betterment of all.  I have waited my entire adult life to hear a President voice that sentiment. It is not “us vs. them” for this President.  It is “We the People.” Thank you, President Obama, for giving me hope for myself, my WWII veteran father, my Vietnam veteran mother, and my young daughter. He is right that we cannot sacrifice one generation for another. My three-generation family represents four generations of this country, and I am not willing to sacrifice any of the generations of my family. Neither should my country. Again, thank you, Mr. President.

Scott Lively on Trial for Crimes Against Humanity

LGBT flag map of Uganda

I couldn’t be happier typing that title, “Scott Lively on Trial for Crimes Against Humanity.” Well, I would be happier if the title were, “Scott Lively Jailed for Crimes Against Humanity.” But that may come in time. Even if he does no time, my hope is that the publicity will reveal just how hateful and ridiculous he is.

For those of you who may not know, Scott Lively is a fear monger who lives in my city and has been spreading his hatred around the world. The Center for Constitutional Rights filed a federal suit against him in March of 2012 on behalf of Sexual Minorities Uganda, a non-profit umbrella organization for LGBT advocacy groups in Uganda. “The suit alleges that Lively’s involvement in anti-gay efforts in Uganda, including his active participation in the formulation of anti-gay legislation and policies aimed at revoking fundamental rights from LGBT persons constitutes persecution. This is the first known Alien Tort Statute (ATS) case seeking accountability for persecution on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.”

What does that mean exactly? Well, over the past decade, Scott Lively has traveled to Uganda, and coordinated with various people in Uganda, to spread his lies and hatred to people who already live in fear every day of their lives. He has spread fear that gays use pornography to recruit children and participate in the rape of children. I guess he missed the repeated studies and statistics that show that PEDOPHILES rape children, not homosexuals. His work has resulted in the compilation of a list of gays and lesbians, to be used for pubic outings in the media and publication of their names, photos, and contact information. This has led to persecution, discrimination, arrests, deaths, and even denial of healthcare. Lively has gone so far as to publish books that claim gays are responsible for the Holocaust, the Spanish Inquisition, the French ‘Reign of Terror,” South African Aparthied, two hundred years of slavery in America, the breakdown of Christianity in America, and even the genocide in Rwanda.

Even my eleven-year-old daughter is dumbfounded by the rantings of this lunatic. One can only wonder just what atrocities he has suffered, or how much he hates himself, or how much he is suppressing in himself, to create such a deep level of hatred against a group of individuals that merely want to have the freedom to live their lives the way they see fit – precisely, by the way, what our system here in America has afforded Scott Lively.

Lively Hate for Gays and Strippers


Downtown Springfield, MA

Sometimes I don’t want to be right, but I predicted this one.  My local whack job, Scott Lively, is now claiming credit for the gas line explosion that blew up a strip club in my city, Springfield, MA.  Apparently, the utility worker that accidentally hit the gas line was doing God’s work in trying to blow up himself and a bunch of police officers and firefighters.  I wonder what good ole Scott (Defend the Family of Abiding Truth Ministries) and his Holy Grounds Coffee House will pray for next for Springfield.  It hasn’t even been two years yet since he told the Boston Globe that he is “toning down his antigay rhetoric and shifting his focus to helping the downtrodden.” Does that means he is willing to let hundreds of now homeless people crash at his house?  Is he willing to give all of those unemployed exotic dancers well-paying jobs in his ministry?  Well, why not?  His manager was a convicted pedophile.  And he lived ABOVE the coffee house.  Oh wait!  That’s right!  Scott “didn’t know.”  And even if he had known, he said, “That’s the beauty of the salvation of Christ.  When you come to Jesus Christ, and you accept his forgiveness for your sins, then you are forgiven by Him and enter a new life. It doesn’t surprise me that he had a rough past, that he has a criminal record.”  Maybe it doesn’t surprise him because he has his own checkered past, as an alcoholic and drug addict who hitchhiked across the US (doing who knows what) until he found God in an evangelical church.  Maybe he should have tried AA first!



So anyway, back to caring for the downtrodden… That must be what he was doing when he asked everyone to pray, “Finally Lord, we pray that you would destroy the works of Satan in this city [Springfield, MA] and ask you demolish them in such a way that it is clearly by your hand alone and not the works of men, saving the people but destroying the institutions that have set themselves against your truth.”  I guess he didn’t like that God sent a utility worker to blow up the strip club, as it is not apparent enough that it was God’s work.



I just can’t get over how crazy this guy is.  Well, at least he is not saying I am bisexual because I had sex with demons in my dreams.  Well, not yet, anyway…  And the guy is seriously considering running for governor!





Springfield, MA Gas Explosion

Copyright 2011 Regina D. Kleiner

I live in Springfield and somehow did not even feel or hear the explosion that rocked us last night.  That is probably because I was in a car heading north away from the city at the time.  I am so grateful we drove a different way, or we might have been passing downtown at the time of the explosion.  My first thought was, “Great, Springfield doesn’t need this.” We still haven’t cleaned up from the 2011 tornado damage. We still have damage from the freak October snowstorm.  Thank goodness we didn’t suffer much damage from Superstorm Sandy.  We have been in “negotiations” with casinos to renovate downtown in the tornado zone, and now more of downtown is destroyed.  And all of this is AFTER we spent millions renovating downtown.  It was beautiful.  Not so much anymore.  This is one of those times when I believe the government needs to step in and do something.  I don’t see how we can recover from one disaster after another.  I’m supposed to go to a Springfield Falcons game today, and I don’t know if I dare at this point.  What is happening to my city?  We are the home of the Basketball Hall of Fame, and Dr. Seuss.  Throughout the city you can find beautiful high tops (sneakers) that were decorated by local artists.  We have amazing shows at City Stage and Symphony Hall, not to mention games and concerts at the Mass Mutual Center.  We need to get this city jump started again!  My only consolation is that at least Scott Lively, our local bigot, can’t say this is God’s wrath on the gays.  It was a straight gentleman’s club that blew up.




A Request

I haven’t written in a long time, and I know there’s no excuse. However, I have been working on my books. Yes, that’s right, books. I self-published my book, Never Coming Back, as both lesbian fiction and as erotica on Here’s where the request comes in. I have sold over 100 copies, but the regular version has only one review and the erotica version has only one review. If you read either and liked it, would you please review it for me? Amazon won’t promote your book if you don’t have reviews. And remember, 3 stars should mean it was all right. Unfortunately, the one reviewer I have on the erotica version didn’t understand that and gave me 2 stars for a mixed review. That brings down my rating. I appreciate all the reviews I can get.


You can find both here:

Sara S. Jansen

Show Some Respect!

English: Flag of the United States of America ...

Flag of the United States of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia Commons)

Okay, I have decided that it is time for another one of my rants. So you have been forewarned.

Personally, I am so sick and tired of all of the disrespect floating around the Internet. Especially on Facebook. Now admittedly I don’t spend a lot of time on other social networking sites, so it is possible that the disrespect is just as bad on those sites. However, it is specifically the Facebook posts that get to me the most.

What disrespect are you talking about? I know that’s what you’re asking. All one has to do is read all of the pictures, postings, statuses, videos, and so on to see the disrespect. Come on! How can you miss it?

Specifically, I am referring to the disrespect perpetuated by the far right who are upset about the election outcome. This has manifested in a slew of pictures being posted on the Internet of upside down United States flags. I am politically independent, so I have been able to let most of it go. But I can only take so much.

Both of my parents are veterans of wars. I have many uncles who served in the military. My father even gave up his kidney for the war. He was bayoneted in the kidney by a Japanese soldier during World War II. My mother served in the military for 23 years, and continued to serve by working for the civil-service after she retired from the military, and she currently works for the VA. That is a lifetime of dedication to the United States of America.

I, personally, take it as disrespectful to see the American flag flipped upside down, whether it is on someone’s profile picture or it is a picture of a McDonald’s with an upside down flag. I don’t care if it was a flagpole malfunction. It is disrespectful either way.  I’m not fond of the flag with Obama’s face on it either, by the way.

The second thing that gets me all riled up is the disrespect shown to the President of the United States. I understand that people are upset that Romney didn’t win. I understand that people are upset that Obama did win. The fact of the matter is, Obama did win. The fact of the matter is, he is and will continue to be for another four years, the President of United States. The most powerful man in the world. Show the man the respect he deserves. I don’t want to hear about people wanting to punch him in the face. I don’t want to hear about people threatening to kill him. As far as I’m concerned, both of those actions mean that the people who say them deserve to be thrown in jail. Show some frickin’ respect people!

If you don’t like this country, you can move. You can move to Canada where they have socialized medicine, legalized gay marriage, and 45% of their population is atheistic. Or you can self deport to Mexico. I don’t really care. But I do care about what you do to our flag and what you say about our President.